Tuesday, March 22, 2011

004 - Getting Into Bed

One of the things I do when I can't get a handle on a fictional lover, or tarot card, I imagine myself naked in bed with the person.  The trouble I had with Knight of Coin (R) is that no matter how I tried to picture the personality of Knight of Coin (R) I came up with a big blank.  It was like I was looking at someone so very close to me and so very very far away.  Someone I knew - but on the surface only.

This is what it looks like when the card representing me and the card representing ??? are in bed with each other:

Are you as unimpressed as I am?  Because, frankly, when I was doing my reading I just couldn't figure out who the hell Knight of Coins (R) was.  I am The Stars (R), someone who is undergoing a mental transformation of my sexual self moving towards full power of my feminine body.  To my thinking the Knight of Coin (R) is a formerly violent man who gave it all up for love.  I don't know any male with a violent past, or a violent inside.

I just so had to do a reading with the Knight of Coin (R).  I had to know who this is.  The answer really surprised me.

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