Layout: 6 Card Spread
Question: Personal Reading
Card 1: How I Feel About My Life Right Now
The Stars (R): The woman is a goal to be achieved, an ideal. If her carnality arouses disgust, the love is not sincere or complete.
My Thoughts: I've been struggling with developing a deeper eroticism with my characters, and between my characters. It sucks being a third wheel between two (okay, sometimes more than two) people who don't really exist.
Card 2: What I Most Want At This Moment
The Tower: Symbol of erect and triumphant penis, passion and sensuality. The precarious roof signifies that the level of excitement is inconsistant.
My Thoughts: I think this goes to #1 and #2 on my list. Oh, and # 4 as well. Also, think I'm pretty disgusted with myself. I mean, personal best on the orgasms-per-day is 9. And the last time that happened I had a really bad case of the flu. The day before the bladder infection hit I was aiming to tie that number. The Little Fool was playing me hard that day; I was caught up in his dreamy schemes, and not paying attention to that I couldn't stop the touching and the rolling orgasms. It was a sure sign of a bladder infection. I had to stop all play for a few days. Frustrating when all you want to do is . . . well, you know.
Card 3: My Fears
9 of Coin: A pleasant surprise. Positive and long-lasting situation.
My Thoughts: Yeah, this is definately about the sex between Mark and Tippie not being hot enough. But it's also about the sex in any of the stories never being hot enough. What has that Little Fool been whispering in my ear all month? Must improve written sex. Only . . .
Card 4: What Is Going For Me
Justice: Fortune influences loving justice. Commitment and trust are the personal qualitites necessary for a satisfactory solution to the problem.
My Thoughts: Oh, thank you Lady Justice! Oh, and I should probably work more on the hot sex scene for The Messenger.
Card 5: What Is Going Against Me
Knight of Coins: A violent man abandons the road to war to dedicate himself to the toils of love. Contemptible waste of earthly goods, symbolized by coins thrown in the air.
My Thoughts: Who the f**k is this?????
Card 6: Outcome
10 of Coin: Changing fortune. Courtship, projects. Material goods are not enough.
My Thoughts: Money is an issue right now. I'm on a budget AND my account has been overdrawn for the last 3 months. I've ben stressed about the bank closing it. (Shhh! Don't tell L'Imperatore!) This is part of the reason why my Friday paycheck is already gone. Part of the reason? No, this is ALL of the reason there's no $$$ in my wallet. *Sigh* This card indicates that most of the issue is mental shit I've got to clear out. Mental leads to physical and pretty soon I'll be in better standing.
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