Tuesday, April 19, 2011

013 - Meet A.

013 - Meet A.

In this reading this is A.:

The very moment I realized how insane the realtaionship with A., S., and G. was is very clearly defined in my head.  A. had been drinking all day, only I didn't know that.  She wasn't such an obvious alcoholic that one could smell it on her breath.  Nor did she stumble around, slur her words or any dozen of other clues Hollywood has commercialized.  None the less A. was drunk.  When A. stopped taking his calls, G. drove two hours to talk to her.  It was 10 p.m. on a Sunday night.  Normal enough the two got into an argument.  Then, right before me, A. stripped.  She wanted sex and had thought that G.'s obvious anger would translate well into sex between the three of us.  As much as I was into the idea of a threesome, sex with G. and a drunk A. was nowhere on my list.  The intensity of which A. tried to get G. and I into bed was fascinating to watch.  That and that she has quite a beautiful body was the only reason I stayed for the show. 

Funny enough, that was not the event over which we stopped talking.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

012 - Oh, That Family!

012 - Oh, That Family!
Many years ago I had the misfortune to become friends with a fairweather alcoholic, her son, and - briefly - the alcoholic's lover.  What resulted was a three month quandry of confusion, lies, tall tales, misdirection, hour long friendships, anger, and a brief forray into a drug culture shared between the three that left me scratching my head.  Did I mention alcohol?  Yeah, there was alcohol there, too. 

So, this is the non-authorized readings of A.:

And her son S.:

And his father G.:

Saturday, April 9, 2011

011 - People I Perv Thru Erotic Tarot

011 - People I Perv Thru Erotic Tarot

I've been around the reading cards game for a while.  Worked the phone lines as a psychic reader.  Also worked the phone lines as an 'adult entertainer'.  Of the two it was the adult entertainer which gave me the damn panic attacks.  Not because it wasn't interesting, or that I couldn't be an adult entertainer well.  I could.  It was because the huge number of men calling in who wanted the person on the other end to be ten.  Or five.  *Shudders* 

Doing adult entertainment requires a certain mindset.  And an understanding that the person on the other line may be your minister,  your father, your sister, your great aunt who is indistinguishable in pictures from walruses on the coasts of rocky shores.  One looks past that to give them what they want.

Fact is everyone has some input to the sexual-erotic side of their lives.  They don't always like to share it, though.  Here's where I come in: A person's sexuality forms one of the cornerstones of their personality - whether they admit it or not. 

Once someone figures out that I look at a seeker's sexuality as well as everything else, the big requests start rolling in: what does their obsessive crush like in bed?  How are they in bed?  The thing with the fingers and the licking and. . . how does that rank.  Rank?  As if Kinsey's research was about establishing a national standard of pleasure.  That's not what this is about. 

I've been asked lots to perv on people through tarot.  Some people I don't forget and I keep looking.  Some people ask, and don't like when I do.  Some people. . . well, they enjoy looking back. 

Big question reader is which are you?