Wednesday, March 23, 2011

005 - The Knight of Coin (R) Mystery Man Reading

This is our bed:

Layout: 6 Card Spread
Question: Who the F**k is the Knight of Coin (R)???

How the Knight of Coin (R) Feels about His Life Right Now:

The Hanged Woman: Short-lived love.  The suitors deceive themselves into thinking that their prey is all theirs, unless they are happy with fleeting pleasure.

My Thoughts: This is an interesting card to pull.  It says the Knight of Coins (R) is focused on an intimate life.  What it still doesn't tell me is if this person is real or imagined.  There are two lovers in this card.  So maybe one of each?

What the Knight of Coin (R) Most Wants At This Moment:

10 of Wands: Uncertainty in managing the relationship.  Indiscretion.  Tiredness.

My Thoughts: This should be a confusing card to pull, but for some reason it started up a thought in the back of my head.  First thing is that the physicality of the card shows an uncertainty in bed.  Meaning that the partners may be into a certain amount of natural kink, they're not necessarily compatable together.  Too many arms and legs and the question is who is in control.  And, of course, that made me sit up.  This card, factored in with the Knight of Coin (R), suddenly made me quite suspicious that I knew who this is.

The Knight of Coin (R)'s Fears:

2 of Wands: Shyness.  Reserve.  First experience.

My Thoughts: And just when I thought I have an idea of who the Knight of Coin (R) is, this card pops up and scatters it all.  I mean, the person I thought it was is certainly no innocent.  He's got as much screwy with his erotic self as I do.  This is certianly a head scratcher!

What Is Going For The Knight of Coin (R):

King of Wands: Represents absolute power without questioning.  The weakest partner must succumb.

My Thoughts: And here it is.  I know exactly who this is in my life.  And I know now exactly how and why the Knight of Coin (R) came up for this person.  Yes, he's a real live living person.  And yes he's quite a physical presence in my life.  So let's see the rest of his reading, shall we?

What is Going Against the Knight of Coin (R):

The Lovers: If you have the joy of winning the favor of a young woman, or man, don’t be reticent but rather offer real proof of your passion.

My Thoughts: Considering who this is in my life, this card is not at all a surprise.  The person this represents is someone who cannot bridge the understanding that you can't buy my love (although the trinkets are nice) and that what I want from him is not a material good, but physical.  This is, regretfully, the opposite of what every other lover is this man's life has wanted, especially considering he's not built like The Fool. 

The Outcome for The Knight of Coin (R):

8 of Swords: React to adversity.  Self-confidence.  Do not give up.  Tiredness.

My Thoughts: Interesting to find tiredness rearing its head again.  When I think of who the Knight of Coin (R) is, I do think he's a tired man.  This is all mental anyways.  But it makes sense.  I'm quite certain I know who this person is, and their position in my life is a very powerful one.  Now I just need to talk to him, find out if he wants to know about this reading. 

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